How do I add physical products to my Registry?

You are able to add any product from anywhere on the Internet to your Riley & Grey Registry! To begin, please click the "Registry" tab within your Editor. You'll want to do this on a desktop computer.

This will bring you to the Registry section of your account and you will want to click the "+Install browse bookmarklet" button. This will install a Registry Button on your browser's bookmark bar. When you're on an online retailer's website, clicking the button will allow you to add the product that you're viewing to your registry.

You will be brought to the following screen that displays how to click and drag the "Add to R&G Registry" button to your Bookmarks Bar.

Once this is done, you can go to the web address for desired products from any online retailer (West Elm, CB2, Williams-Sonoma, etc) and add products to your Riley & Grey registry by clicking the bookmark while on that webpage.

For example, if you want to add cocktail glasses from CB2 you would go to the CB2 link online, then click the Add to R&G Registry button that is now in your browser bookmarks bar while on that page. Then, another window will pop up to continue with adding this to your registry.

You will have the option of adding the product "as cash equivalent" or "from the store website". If you choose cash equivalent, the guests will check out directly on your website, and their cash gift will be added to your cash funds. This will allow you to choose whether to use the funds to purchase the item and set a shipping date, get a gift card, or simply transfer the money to your bank account.

If you choose "add from store website", your guests will be directed to the store website and will checkout that way. Within the Registry settings, you can choose to share your mailing address with your guests, so that they can ship the gift directly to you. This is typically easier for the guest so that they don't need to ship the item to themselves and then bring it to the wedding.

Finally, click "Add to Registry" and you will get a notification that the product has been added to your Registry. You should see this added within the "Build Registry" section as well as on the registry page of your website within the Editor.

The registry will show just two rows of products before becoming scrollable, so rather than your guests seeing all your items in a long registry listing page, they will appear in a scrollable widget for a simple experience. Also, once you have more than 8 items in your registry, guests will have the ability to sort through your items as well

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