What does it mean when an item on my registry shows up as "gifted"?

When your guests visit the registry page and choose an item they are interested in purchasing for you, we temporarily mark the item on your wedding website as "Gifted" on the Registry page.  We label items as "Gifted" for anything that guests have indicated they are going to buy, but did not confirm and mark the gift as purchased yet. This is done to make sure that other guests don't end up trying to purchase at the same time and therefore ending up in a double gifting situation. For example, if a guest was looking to buy the below coffee mug, then it would show up like the following on your wedding website:

When you go into your "Edit Registry" section of your account, you would see the "Gifted" items as listed as "Reserved", which indicates that a guest expressed interest and intent to buy, but has not come back yet and confirmed.

Riley & Grey will "reserve" an item for 48 hours and send gentle reminders to the guest to confirm whether or not they did indeed purchase the gift. Below is what a reminder would look like for your guest:

Once a guest has purchased the gift, it will show up in your Gift Tracker as "Received". If the guest indicates they did not purchase the gift or do not respond to the gentle reminders, after 48 hours, we release the reserve on the item and it'll go back to showing as available to be gifted again within your Registry.

Here is an example email of what your guests would receive if they had not purchased the item yet to gently nudge them.

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