Can I have a digital archive PDF of my wedding website?

Riley & Grey offers a digital archive package, which is a full-resolution PDF of your entire website so every personal piece of your beautiful site can be seen as you scroll down the pages. The price for the archive package is $39 USD and can be billed to the card you have on file. If needed, you can also update your credit card information in your account settings before purchasing.

To access your digital archive PDF, please click the "Website settings & Billing" tab under the person icon in the top right corner of your account.

Next, you will want to scroll down to "Cancel Account" and click "cancel my Riley & Grey account". This will bring you to a few steps, one of which is how to download and purchase your digital archive.

After you complete the first two steps, you will see the "Archive your Website" option. Here you will be able to view a watermarked proof of the PDF before your decide to purchase.

It may take a few moments for your keepsake to download, but when it is ready you will see the button turn green and the words "Download archive package proof".

From here, you can review the proof and decide if you still want to purchase. If you would like to purchase the Digital Archive Package, simply choose that option and continue the the secure checkout form. Once you purchase and download your PDF keepsake, you will be brought to this landing page:

As noted in the screenshot above, if you have any issues with the download of your digital keepsake, please reach out to us at We will be happy to help!

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