How do I adjust my home page photo? What is the "Auto-fit Photo" toggle?

The ideal dimensions for the cover photo are 1200 pixels wide by 750 pixels tall. You can upload a photo in these dimensions, or use the Photo Editor to crop and save the photo.

The "Auto-fit Photo" toggle available on the following designs: Signature, Spotlight, Pointe, Redwood, Union, Port, Saddle, Script, Station, Camp, Branded, Standard, and West, ensures that the home page photo fills the entire screen regardless of screen size.

We recommend turning on the auto-fit photo toggle to maintain a crisp image and automatically zoom in on the photo to fit the dimensions of the space.

Turn this feature off to keep photo cropping the same across all devices, noting that if a browser is particularly wide, there may be "empty space" on the right and left side of the photo.

The headline and sub-headline over your image is adjustable, in order to not block the photo. Use the "Move title up" and "Move title down" buttons to adjust and remember to click "save content" after making changes.

If the cover image still doesn't look right, please email so we can take a look for you.

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