Can I use the Riley & Grey Registry and also include third party links for other registries?

Yes, you can have a combination of our Riley & Grey Registry, and also include links to third party registries! First, choose "Riley & Grey Registry" for the Registry Type option within the right column displaying the Registry page information.

This will allow you to include your cash fund(s) or products through Riley and Grey, and then you can also add the links to third party registries in "Description" section with hyperlinked text.

To hyperlink words, put the words in double quotes, followed immediately by a colon and the URL: "Click here to read more": - which will look like this Click here to read more

For example, you can see in the screenshot below that the Riley & Grey Registry has products/cash funds, and also there is a link to click for Crate & Barrel (or any other third-party you'd want to direct guests to).

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