Can I use Riley & Grey Registry outside the US?

Riley & Grey's Wedding Registry tool is available for couples all over the world to add physical products to their registry on their wedding website. Couples inside and outside of the United States can add products and retailer gift cards from any third-party retailer on the Internet (such as Crate & Barrel, Pottery Barn, etc). From there, your guests can purchase your registry items online from anywhere in the world to be sent to your home, or to be sent to the guest who will then bring the gift to the wedding.

If you are are outside of the U.S., you can add a third-party registry cash fund (such as Honeyfund) on your wedding website based on what's available in your specific country. See the following article to learn about how to add third-party registries in addition to your Riley & Grey registry:

Due to US financial regulations, Riley & Grey is not able to support cash/monetary gifting for couples who are not US citizens at this time. It is required that the cash gifting is limited to US citizens with a US bank account who are 18 years or older and agree to the Riley & Grey Registry Terms of Service at this time. Additionally, a US address will also need to be provided at the time you connect your bank account. All monetary gifts will be collected in US dollars and a US bank account belonging to a US citizen will need to be connected and verified.

This only applies to the cash fund part of the Riley & Grey Registry, however. When adding products to your Riley & Grey Registry, you can adjust the currency that appears for that item to your guests (dollars, euros, pounds, etc). Your guests will be directed to the online retailer to purchase the physical item. When you add third-party products to your registry, you will want to choose the second option to "Add from store website" so that guests will be directed to the store website and will ship the gift themselves (see screenshot below).

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